Music Review: "Same Drawer neGown" by Voltz JT


Zimbabwean hip-hop artist Voltz JT has released a new song titled "Same Drawer neGown," which showcases his growth and success as well as his solidarity with others who are facing challenges. 

Voltz JT same drawer ne gown latest official video

The song, produced by Nyasha Timbe, reflects on Voltz's past struggles before fame, his perseverance and determination, and his advice to aspiring entrepreneurs. 

The music video, directed by Blue Mordecai of 99 Orange Inc, features Voltz JT in various picturesque scenes, including wearing a graduation gown to highlight his academic achievement as juxtaposed with his success as a Zim Hip Hop rapper. 

The lyrics of the song convey a sense of empowerment and loyalty, with Voltz expressing his preference to fight alongside others when they are back on their feet, rather than kicking them while they're down. 

Voltz JT same drawer negown

He also shares his personal experiences once marked by a concrete reality of not being able to afford certain luxuries before his breakthrough; emphasizing how far he has come since then. 

Voltz JT offers some life-inspiring advice to those who are struggling financially, suggesting they venture into entrepreneurship—for instance; by selling perishable fruits in Mbare to generate income, hard as it may seem. 

Additionally, he busts the stereotype that being a Zimbabwean hip-hop artist conflicts with being a graduate, shedding light on his accomplishment of graduating last year. Essentially, what he tells us is that academic achievement and rap lyricism are two sides of the same coin—strong intellectual capabilities. 

The music video for "Same Drawer neGown" showcases an exciting and carefree vibe. It starts with Voltz waking up in a clean house, engaging in physical exercise, and then going out with his friends in a car. 

The video transitions between different scenes, featuring Voltz in stylish outfits and even wearing a graduation gown. It also includes a scene in a recording studio, emphasizing his creative process.

The impeccable production quality of the song is worth mentioning, with due credit given to Nyasha Timbe, the producer. The amazingly glorious music video, directed by 99 Orange Inc's Blue Mordecai, effectively captures the energy and charisma of Voltz as an artist.

In terms of popularity, "Same Drawer ne Gown" was released around the same time as Holy Ten's "Deliah." Although the two songs have different messages and meanings, some listeners have [expectedly] started comparing them. Currently, "Deliah" is at number one on the trending list with around 264k views, while "Same Drawer ne Gown" sits at number two with approximately 89k views.

Holy Ten's affiliation with Zanu PF, the ruling political party, has led to certain individuals expressing their disdain towards his music. Despite the backlash, Holy Ten continues to gain popularity, occupying trending charts. 

As a writer, it becomes daunting to determine which song is superior, as both have their unique qualities. I encourage you to stream and judge for yourself, as these songs are available on various streaming platforms.

But, perhaps, the need to make superfluous comparisons falls away when one takes into cognisance the fact that both videos for "Delilah" and "Same Drawer neGown" have one person behind them: Blue Mordecai.

Both videos show Blue Mordecai's level of impeccable videography artistry and show that both Holy Ten and Voltz have risen above their parochial egos to address critical matters that ought to occupy the discourses of today's urban youth. Which is what we actually need for young creatives who get the limelight. 

Watch the video for "Same Drawer ne Gown" by Voltz and appreciate his growth, resilience, and meaningful lyrics.

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