Drug abuse threatens security and health goals, uniformed forces warn


Uniformed forces in Zimbabwe and the region have warned that drug abuse is a security threat that could undermine efforts to end HIV, Aids and TB by 2030.

Drug abuse crisis in Zimbabwe uniformed forces warn of security threats

Speaking at the 10th edition of the Zimbabwe Uniformed Forces Health Services conference, the guest of honour, General Philip Valerio Sibanda, who is the Commander of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces, said substance abuse among adolescents and youths was putting the UN target of achieving an Aids-free generation at risk.

“In light of the increase in substance and drug abuse by adolescents and youths, it is evident that the UN target of achieving an Aids free generation by 2030 is under threat if the nexus between substance abuse and HIV and Aids is left unbroken,” he said.

According to projections, Africa will see a 40 percent increase in substance users between 2018 and 2030, posing a pervasive and pernicious problem for the continent.

General Sibanda added, “The projected increases in rates of substance use in Africa is driven by among other things, demographic factors given that the continent’s population is generally younger than that of other regions.

“Reports of substance abuse in Zimbabwe paint a worrying picture of escalating prevalence.”

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