Back home: Selmor Mtukudzi to perform at CrownAce Village this Saturday


NORTON — Selmor Mtukudzi says CrownAce Village in Norton will now see a lot of her performances as it is the most-suited for her set.

Selmor Mtukudzi to perform at CrownAce Village Norton, The Norton Times, Selmor Mtukudzi 2024,
Back home — Selmor Mtukudzi is in Norton this Saturday for her first show in over a decade. 

She was responding to The Norton Times on the eve of her upcoming show, a hitherto rare one in her home town. 

She last performed in Norton more than ten years ago.

According to Selmor, the family show on Saturday 8 June 2024 comes after a long search for a suitable venue. One of Zimbabwe’s longest-serving females among the current crop of the country’s top musicians, she has all along leant more on international tours, leaving local fans starved of live performances.

Apparently, her late father, superstar Oliver “Tuku” Mtukudzi had the same stance for a long stretch of his career, delivering more stage acts abroad than at home.

Some observers say a shift was evident when there was change of management at the Tuku camp, with his later-day handlers organising more and more local shows.

Selmor recently changed management too, with husband Tendai Manatsa taking over from sister Sandra Mtukudzi who has relocated to the United Kingdom.


TNT: You do not usually hold many shows in Norton and your fans might be wondering: is it you holding back or a lack of interest in the Norton public by your promoters?

SM: We have been looking for a venue suitable for our shows and I think we have now found one. So Norton fans can rest assured that they will get their share of entertainment from now on.

TNT: Obviously many people accept you as a Nortonian by virtue of having grown up here, and your dad having finally settled here. Are you comfortable being referred to as Nortonian, and on a scale of 1 to 10, how Nortonian are you?

SM: Yes I am proudly a Nortonian. No doubt. 10/10!

TNT: Big sister Sandra is now settled in the UK. Do you have a new manager now?

SM: Yes I do. My husband Tendai took over after Sandra. We like to keep it in the family. He has always been part of my management team as my production manager so he is not new to the new position.

TNT: You have previously worked with legends who worked with Tuku before, the likes of Picky Kasamba. Are they still in your setup?

SM: Yes they are. We still work with Never Mpofu who played bass for my father for years. Picky resigned from the stage but he joins us from time to time.

TNT: Finally, what surprise should fans expect at CrownAce on Saturday?

SM: They should expect to have a good time. I’m so excited to be performing at home and I will make sure to give them my best.

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