Zimbabwean drivers licenses are valid in the UK, ministry confirms


Zimbabwean drivers who wish to drive on British roads can do so with their existing licenses, according to the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development. However, they may face difficulties in converting their licenses to British ones if they possess fake metal ones.

Zimbabwe plastic drivers license valid in United Kingdom

The ministry said that it is still in the process of engaging the British government to dispense with the need for a Certificate of Competency, which is a temporary license valid for 30 days that is issued to drivers who have passed the practical test.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development, Engineer Theodius Chinyanga, confirmed that Zimbabwean drivers licenses are valid in the UK, but added that some Zimbabweans have been using fake metal driver's licenses and have been involved or caused road traffic accidents in the UK. 

“[T]here are unconfirmed reports that some Zimbabweans have been using fake metal driver’s license and sadly end up being involved or causing road traffic accidents. This has led to the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) in the United Kingdom to demand a Certificate of Competency upon request for conversion of the Zimbabwean licence to a British licence,” he said.

In June 2023, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development said that Zimbabwe is set to replace its metal disc driver’s licence with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) compliant plastic one. 

The ministry also said existing metal driver’s licence disks would be phased out in gradual phases. 

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