August Holidays Tips in Zimbabwe, and a Few Places to Try Out


The month of August in Zimbabwe means these: procellous, breezy winds; and the Heroes Day plus Defence Forces commemorations (and in the context of 2023, throw elections into the mix).

Harare restaurants, lounge, bars, places holidays Zimbabwe

With these commemorations having approached, most people in Zimbabwe take this opportunity to unwind and have some time to just sit back and relax. After all the ‘hustling’ and ‘hustlenomics’ in Zimbabwe is beyond the levels of hectic. And these holidays are treasured, as people get the chance to ‘breathe’.

For the greater part of my life, these holidays meant quality time spent at home because we couldn't afford to go out (in the holistic sense of that phrase). Not that we do ‘go out’ now (LOL) ... but, yes, we are now in a position to make prudent choices whether to go out or not.

There is always something to lose, but many a time we are not even in a position to even have a (singularly good) choice between going out or not.

And as such, this brief write-up has my top five tips for this year’s August holidays—whether you are going out or staying at home, l am here to help you make the best out of the two days (these tips apply for any other holiday period not confined to Heroes and Defence Forces only).

So here we go:

 1. Dress comfortably

Whether you are having drinks and great conversations in your backyard or you are out at Hwange National Park with your family, make sure the clothes you are wearing are not limiting you in any way. For those who drink, we know the toilet rounds get many after being intoxicated; and you do not want to be in a tight jumpsuit when this happens. Because the frequency will make you hate stuff.

2. Do not leave your drink behind

Some say do not leave your drink unattended, but l beg to differ. lf the son of man got betrayed with a close acquaintance, what more you?

Never trust anyone with your drink, take it with you to the dance floor or outside just not the bathroom. Stall a bit before the bathroom round just so you leave a few sips you won’t drink when you come back. l always say, we are living in tough times. People no longer have genuine love for each other and you have to stay woke at all times.

3. Carry your essentials

You know how at family gatherings there is that aunt who is always asking for gloss, or balm, or vaseline for her lips which feels are constantly inconveniencing her? Oh, how it infuriates me! Please carry your essentials—if you love balm them have your balm, if you love drinking in a beautiful cup then carry your damn beautiful and beloved cup. Some of us hate sharing with passion.

4. Mind your own business

You might bump into the Minister with his side at the resort you are visiting or maybe its just your neighbour. Either way, it’s none of your business; take a backseat and enjoy your holiday. (Unless maybe you are a journalist and such interaction threatens certain public interests?) No need to meddle, it’s not your place to be exposing people and all. This is time for privacy.

5. Mind what you post. Like, seriously

This is probably the hardest for most people but hey, it’s the wisest thing you could do. It’s okay to post a picture of yourself at that posh spa but it’s wise to avoid tagging the exact time and day you are there for you do not know what’s lurking in the shadows. Next thing your house is robbed or your ex arrives or your other girlfriend or other boyfriend. Clear.

A few places to try out (Harare)

Perhaps you are thinking of going out and you don’t know where to start, here are a few places worth sampling, please do enjoy and share your experiences in the comment section.

  • Amanzi
  • Khaya Nyama Wombles
  • Victoria 22 Restaurant
  • Alo Alo Restaurant
  • Maki Sushi Harare
  • Coco Mia Restaurant
  • Mozambik
  • Fishmonger
  •  Puttery Barn
  • The Bishop’s Mistress
  • Pariah State
  • Yanaya Lifestyle
  • The Hub
  • Antonio's
  • Country Club
  • Cafe Nush
  • Fairy Cafe
  • St Elmo's 
  • Chicken Basket
  • Boss Cafe Avondale
  • Sorrel Restaurant and Lounge
  • The Three Monkeys Harare
  • Jamtree

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