Munyaradzi Kereke and accomplice granted bail in fraud case


HARARE – Munyaradzi Kereke, a former Bikita West legislator, and Everesto Rukasha, the head of Harare Municipal Medical Aid Society (HMMAS), appeared in court on Monday on charges of defrauding the society of $400,000 and were granted $200 bail each and ordered to return to court on December 13.

Munyaradzi Kereke fraud case
Image: NewZimbabwe

The prosecution alleged that Kereke and Rukasha lied about the amount owed by HMMAS to Kereke for his hospital, Briward Fortress, which he sold to the society in 2014.

According to the state, the agreed price for the hospital, located in Ruwa, was $800,000 and HMMAS had already paid $937,000, exceeding the amount by $137,000. 

However, Kereke and Rukasha claimed that the total price was $1,138,000 and that HMMAS still owed Kereke $400,000.

Kereke denied the allegation and insisted that he had documents to prove his claim.

Magistrate Marehwanazvo Gofa granted bail to the accused, saying they were not a flight risk and that the evidence was inconclusive.

"Even though the state is alleging that its case is strong before this court, there are two agreements of sale. Even though it is not yet a trial, the evidence is 50/50," she said.

"Also, accused have a right to be seen as innocent until proven guilty. Since both of the accused are on bail pending trial for other offences, it shows that they have never flouted bail conditions granted to them by the higher courts.

To say they are flight risks when they have never shown any intention to flee does not hold water," she added.

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